Can Low Testosterone Cause Anxiety

Can Low Testosterone Cause Anxiety

Anxiety is a natural part of being human, and experiencing anxiety occasionally is quite acceptable. Everybody has experienced anxiety at some point in their lives, especially when confronted with challenging circumstances.

On the other hand, getting an anxiety disorder is a whole different matter. The hallmarks of this mental illness include excessive and ongoing worry and fear regarding everyday occurrences. This condition, which affects millions of people globally, is often caused by a multitude of internal and external factors.

One could only wonder if low testosterone and social anxiety are interrelated. So, can low testosterone cause bad anxiety? Let’s find out.

The steroid hormone testosterone plays a variety of roles in your body, including those related to mood and mental health. Hormones support mental and physical equilibrium when they are within normal ranges. Your mood can be affected by testosterone levels, both high and low. A higher-than-normal testosterone level may cause you to act more aggressively. 

According to experts, individuals with low testosterone may suffer from fatigue worry, and sadness, all of which can have a detrimental effect on their quality of life. 

Higher amounts of serotonin, which improve mood and relieve depression, may be encouraged by testosterone. This extra serotonin increase may not be present when T levels are low.

What Causes Low Testosterone?

A number of terms are used to describe low testosterone, including testosterone deficiency syndrome, male hypogonadism, and, frequently, low T. There are numerous potential medical and behavioral factors for this condition.

Among the conditions that impact testosterone are:

  • Damage to or removal of testicles
  • Testicular inflammation brought on by bacterial or viral infections
  • Tumors
  • Radiation treatment or chemotherapy targeted at the testicles
  • Primary or secondary hypogonadism in men
  • Genetic disorders such as Noonan syndrome and Klinefelter’s syndrome

The following lifestyle choices can also reduce the production of testosterone:

  • Growing older 
  • Stress
  • Use of anabolic steroids
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Changes in diet
  • Reduced exercise

Any one of these situations alone or in combination has the potential to have a brief or long-term negative impact on testosterone production. Testosterone boosters can help rectify your mood in some cases and relieve your anxiety.  

Relationship Between Low Testosterone Levels and Anxiety

Your mood and testosterone levels are closely related. The symptoms of anxiety and depression, such as irritability, chronic sadness, lack of motivation, social disengagement, and others, can be brought on by low testosterone or made worse by it.

Physical changes brought on by low T include erectile dysfunction, excessive weight gain, enlarged breast tissue, and reductions in muscular mass and strength.

These signs may lead to a decline in self-assurance and self-worth, which exacerbates symptoms of anxiety and sadness. Consequently, low T adults may have relationship issues that accelerate a potentially alarming decline in their mental, physical, and emotional well-being. 

So, to answer your question: can low testosterone cause anxiety and depression, yes it can. High testosterone and anxiety are totally related.

Relationship between High Testosterone Levels and Anxiety

Just like low testosterone can cause anxiety, have you ever wondered: does high testosterone cause anxiety? Increased testosterone can help in reducing social anxiety. It has been found that the steroid hormone testosterone administration reduces socially frightened, avoidant, and subservient behavior.

Current experimental investigations indicate that exposure to testosterone during brain development predisposes guys to higher levels of anxiety. Moreover, anxiogenesis also results from the lack of testosterone during the activation of neural circuits related to anxiety.

When Should You See a Healthcare Provider?

It’s best to see a doctor to have your testosterone levels checked if you experience mental and emotional symptoms in addition to physical ones, such as rapid weight gain, decreased sex drive, or poor sexual performance.

If your testosterone levels are below normal, there are a number of efficient therapeutic alternatives available to raise them. Regardless of whether your testosterone levels are normal, knowing the results can help you better manage your symptoms and provide some comfort.

A healthcare provider can assess your symptoms and offer an accurate anxiety diagnosis. Also, they are able to suggest the appropriate course of action, such as counseling or medicine.

Getting expert assistance for anxiety is a crucial first step in controlling your symptoms and improving your life.

Can Doctors Treat Low Testosterone Levels?

Anxiety and low testosterone can exacerbate one another in negative ways. Thankfully, both of these medical conditions have excellent therapies available.

A basic testosterone test can reveal total testosterone and free testosterone. In the event that your total testosterone level suggests that you have low T, your physician may recommend one of several testosterone-boosting techniques, including:

  • Regular application of skin gels or patches
  • Oral medication
  • Intramuscular injections by a medical practitioner every one to two weeks
  • Implant pellets under your skin every three to six months
  • Gum tablets twice daily
  • Use nasal gel three times a day.

Please note that several medical disorders, including untreated obstructive sleep apnea, breast cancer, uncontrolled heart failure, and prostate cancer, may preclude you from being an ideal candidate for testosterone replacement therapy.

Evaluating your symptoms of depression and anxiety is also very important. They might exist on their own or be the result of insufficient testosterone. Your doctor might suggest medication, behavioral therapy, or both as treatment if low T isn’t the reason for them.


One of the hormones that gives males their “male” qualities is testosterone. In addition, testosterone influences sex drive, energy levels, and other characteristics. You can feel tired, lose muscle mass, become less interested in sex, and perform less well during sex if your testosterone level is lower than usual. Such things can lead to anxiety. So while testosterone is not a direct trigger for anxiety, it can lead to you feeling under confident which in turn causes anxiety. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the mental symptoms of low testosterone?

Some of the mental symptoms of low testosterone include:

  • Depressed mood
  • Issues with memory and focus
  • Social anxiety
  • Low self confidence

2. Can you relieve anxiety with testosterone injection?

Testosterone injections are primarily used to treat conditions like hypogonadism, where the body doesn’t produce enough testosterone. In some cases, testosterone therapy can have a positive impact on mood and may help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, particularly in men with low testosterone levels.

3. Can low testosterone cause anxiety attacks?

Low testosterone levels can contribute to a variety of physical and mental health issues, including anxiety attacks. While the chances of anxiety attacks are low, there is a minute possibility that extremely low testosterone levels can cause an anxiety attack.
