Every guy or man, regardless of how jacked you are, needs some amount of fat in the body. However, this fat must be controlled, or it risks reducing the body’s testosterone level, thereby creating health risks on several fronts. As a result, some men believe that testosterone plays a role in assisting with weight loss, and its absence can possibly cause undesirable weight gain.
While this is true, it’s not as straightforward as some might think. The testosterone hormone is responsible for some typical characteristics notable in men and in both genders, it promotes muscle growth. Most men have a healthy testosterone level. However, a few suffer from low testosterone — an issue that reduces their motivation to hit the gym and predispose them to excessive fat gain.
In this blog, we will explore the relationship between testosterone and weight loss, so individuals can properly understand the role testosterone boosters can possibly play in weight loss and weight gain, allowing them to properly answer the question of ‘can testosterone booster help lose weight.’
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ToggleTestosterone is the most vital sexual hormone in the human body. It’s produced mainly by testicles and varies between men and women. Hormones are regarded as messenger molecules playing an important role in the body’s system. Typically, they’re released into the bloodstream, which, in turn, carries them to their target: cells. When these hormones reach the cell, they bind to receptors on the surface, affecting their functions.
The primary function of testosterone is to help develop and promote specific male characteristics such as stronger bones, increased muscle mass, deeper voice, body, and facial hair growth. Adequate levels of testosterone are also required in order for the sperm cells to mature and maintain their fertility. One of its most vital functions in both genders is that it helps to maintain adequate muscle mass as well as promote the growth of muscle and bone strength. So, as we age, testosterone levels decline, leading to the common age-related bone and muscle loss. This means that a deficiency in testosterone could hinder muscle growth and promote weight gain and vice versa.
According to research, testosterone has been shown to improve muscle growth and reduce fat gain. Due to this study, it can be easily understood why some men low in testosterone often gain more fat easily than those with a healthy level of testosterone. Muscles typically burn a lot of calories compared to tissue with fat. As such, a lack of muscle mass can cause exposure to the risk of excessive eating and storing up unnecessary calories as fat, thereby resulting in weight gain.
In fact, studies have led researchers to believe that a reduction in muscle mass is the most likely reason why low testosterone levels in men cause weight gain. This also means that obesity could suppress testosterone levels.
Statistically, men diagnosed with obesity tend to have about 30% lower T levels than their counterparts who have much healthier and normal weight. Over 70% of these men usually suffer from a condition called ‘male hypogonadism,’ commonly known as testosterone deficiency. It’s a condition characterized by a significantly low level of testosterone. However, male hypogonadism could be reversed with weight loss.
The presence of low testosterone levels in men with obesity is a phenomenon that has so far eluded scientists. However, most available studies suggest two things:
More simply, high belly fat tends to reduce testosterone levels.
Testosterone supplement often refers to three ways of taking testosterone: testosterone replacement therapy, illegal anabolic steroids, and testosterone boosters. But for this blog, we are focusing on testosterone boosters.
Testosterone boosters are mainly known as ‘natural testosterone supplements’ and are meant to help the body increase its natural production of testosterone. Despite the name, these supplements rarely contain any testosterone — they’re usually plant-based. Some of the popular ingredients found in these supplements, like ashwagandha, fenugreek seed extract, and D-aspartic acid, have been shown to improve testosterone levels as well as muscular growth in men with low T levels. The increased presence of more muscles takes away excess and unwanted fat, resulting in weight loss and even more strength for physical activities.
While some of the health benefits associated with the use of testosterone boosters are not yet fully supported by science, these supplements have been shown to enhance the body’s natural production of testosterone. This can be particularly beneficial for men who are hormone-deficient. For instance, while Tribulus Terrestris — a supplement commonly used as a booster does not appear to raise levels, Fenugreek seeds — a common ingredient in testosterone supplements is said to have a positive effect in boosting testosterone.
Many have often asked the question, “Is testosterone booster good for weight loss?” leading to several varying opinions and answers. Presently, no studies have shown a significant level of progress in attaining weight loss from testosterone boosters. However, in a study announced at the European Congress on Obesity in 2012, hormone-deficient men given testosterone supplements lost an average of 16 kg in five years when their testosterone levels were increased back to normal. If it’s ever to be an option for weight loss, then testosterone boosters must be used safely to avoid complications.
Testosterone boosters can help reduce weight for those experiencing low T levels. However, it’s worth noting that it’s not a straightforward process and might not always be the best option. So, it’s important to speak with a healthy care practitioner before making a decision. If you’re looking to learn more about testosterone boosters or considering the best supplement to use, this website has all the answers you might need.
Yes, it’s very possible. Your body will start redistributing your weight. Fat in hips and thighs will begin to diminish as the arms and legs become more muscular with visible veins.
The effect of testosterone boosters on fat starts showing after about four weeks, attaining maximum improvement after about six months to a year.
While the product labels of some testosterone supplements list weight gain as a possible adverse effect of testosterone, it’s worth knowing that the weight gain could be a result of water retention, which is temporary.
Yes, taking testosterone can increase your appetite.