What Are The Best Natural Testosterone Boosters?

What Are The Best Natural Testosterone Boosters?

As men grow older, the issue of low testosterone becomes increasingly present. While it may not be a particularly serious issue —as only about 1% – 2% of testosterone levels decrease for men each year after they turn 40— it does come with symptoms that make it an unpleasant experience. Larger breast size, leaner muscle mass, irritability, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depression, concentration issues, and body hair loss are some of the symptoms experienced. 

If you’re experiencing all or some of these issues, then you might have most likely considered boosting your testosterone levels as an option. If you have, that might be the right move. However, it is mostly important to play it safe using only the best natural testosterone boosters in order to avoid any side effects. In this blog, we’ll show you simple testosterone boosters that are natural and great for improving your T-levels. 

Before knowing the best herbal testosterone booster, it’s essential to first understand the meaning of a testosterone booster. Simply put, testosterone boosters are often supplements —usually natural or synthetic— that contain specific things like minerals, natural vitamins, and herbs that help to increase or stimulate the body’s testosterone production. In the same way, certain lifestyle changes are also classified as testosterone boosters due to their effectiveness in boosting testosterone levels. 

Best Ways To Boost Your Testosterone Levels Naturally

Due to the nature and limited research on testosterone issues and topics, there are very few clinically proven testosterone boosters out there. However, there are some research-backed ways to boost your testosterone levels naturally. We take a look at them below. 

Natural Supplements

This is one of the most common ways of naturally improving testosterone levels. There are several kinds of supplements that often claim to increase testosterone levels. While the results are often mixed, these supplements usually constitute naturally occurring ingredients that research has shown to possess some level of effectiveness in assisting the body to produce more testosterone. 

Vitamin D: The micronutrient vitamin D is known scientifically to play a huge role in several areas of a person’s health. The Body produces this nutrient naturally when it’s exposed to sunlight. However, despite its necessity, people with very little or inadequate exposure to sunlight often suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Statistically, about a billion people around the world suffer from this deficiency. 

Over time, some research has shown that vitamin D deficiency can be linked with low testosterone levels. In 2017, a conducted study of 102 men; all of whom had inadequate vitamin D levels, showed that taking vitamin D supplements helped improve testosterone level and resolve erectile dysfunction issues. However, considering that little research is available relating to this discovery, other research has shown no direct relationship between vitamin D and T-levels, so more studies and research are required. 

Regardless, if you’re looking to add this option to your natural testosterone booster list, you need regular sunlight exposure, or contact a healthcare practitioner for directions on how to use vitamin D supplements. 

Zinc: Regarded as a vital mineral for healthy human body function, zinc also has an established connection with low testosterone levels. It’s believed that zinc can help the testicles produce more testosterone. As such, long-term supplementation of zinc can cause an increase in testosterone levels. But it isn’t just mere speculation. Studies showed that zinc supplementation benefitted men with low T-levels and infertility issues, with peculiarity for those with a testosterone deficiency.

D-aspartic acid: D-aspartic acid is a type of amino acid. Different from L-aspartic, D-aspartic acid has been shown to play a vital role in the formation and release of testosterone in the body. As a result, it’s commonly used as a major ingredient in producing testosterone supplements. D-aspartic acid often helps the body in releasing a brain hormone that results in the production of testosterone. It’s also essential in improving testosterone production and its release in a man’s testicles  

Magnesium: Magnesium is an important mineral in the human body as it’s required in more than 300 natural processes that occur in the body, including the production of testosterone. Research has shown that using magnesium supplements can help the body significantly increase testosterone production, especially in deficient men. Magnesium is also capable of improving sleep quality in men, preventing tiredness, a common cause of erectile dysfunction. 

Ashwagandha: Also known as Withania Somnifera, ashwagandha is a commonly found herb used in a specific type of Hindu medicine called Ayurvedic. It’s now a largely popular ingredient called adaptogen — a specific herb that can reduce stress levels. Seeing that cortisol is the major stress hormone in the body and can affect the production of testosterone, a 2009 study of men with extreme psychological stress showed that ashwagandha could improve sperm quality and testosterone levels. While the exact pattern of ashwagandha’s connection with testosterone are unclear, conclusions can be drawn that it indirectly aids testosterone production by lowering stress and boosting mental health. 

Proper Diet

It’s commonly known that diets low in fat and high in inflammation-promoting foods like cholesterol can cause testosterone levels to drop. So, it’s only right that in order to improve T-levels one must adopt a proper diet of healthy fats, lean protein and antioxidants-rich foods like leafy greens and berries. Additionally food rich in natural supplements like zinc, magnesium and vitamin D can also be adopted. Examples: beef, oysters, beans, nuts, fortified milk and fatty fish. 

Exercise and lift weights

Exercise is arguably the world’s best natural testosterone booster. It’s an effective way to avoid several lifestyle-related complications or diseases and has also been proven to play a vital role in boosting T-levels. A 2016 study of men with obesity showed that an increase in physical activities had more benefits in improving testosterone levels compared to calorie restriction. However, this increase in T-levels can vary among individuals due to several factors like the training intensity and type of exercise. Resistance training like weight lifting have been shown to improve testosterone over a short period.


When it comes to boosting testosterone levels in the body, there are natural and artificial options. However, for safety issues and possible side effects, it’s always best to go with a naturally proven testosterone booster. You can check out our several testosterone boosters recommendations for any option that might interest you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best testosterone-boosting supplement?

The best options usually contain ingredients and specific nutrients that have been third-party tested and proven to aid testosterone production.

Is testosterone booster worth it?

If you notice symptoms of low T-levels like low libido, depression, and lean muscle mass, you might want to consider any of the natural testosterone boosters discussed above.

Are there natural ways to boost testosterone?

Yes. Research shows that people lacking certain minerals and vitamins can improve their testosterone level through supplements, diet and exercise.
