How Testosterone Levels Impact Prostate Health

How Testosterone Levels Impact Prostate Health

There have been several studies studying the relationship between testosterone replacement therapy and prostate cancer risk. However, results have been unclear as various studies have shown inconsistent findings. Testosterone therapy enhances the quality of life of men with low testosterone. However, this practice has been controversial since some research suggests that testosterone can increase cancer growth. 

However, in a recent study, it was shown that testosterone therapy in older or middle-aged men having hypogonadism does not increase the risk of prostate or high-grade cancer. 

In this blog, we will explore the relationship between testosterone and prostate cancer so individuals can properly understand how testosterone levels can affect prostate health.

Testosterone is a sex hormone in the body that travels through the bloodstream from one organ to another, affecting several bodily processes. Testosterone is the main sex hormone in males and is crucial to male growth and masculine characteristics.

The production of testosterone in mane is controlled by signals sent from the brain to the pituitary gland located at the base of the brain. The pituitary gland sends the signals to the testes, therefore producing testosterone. The amount of hormone in the blood is closely regulated by a feedback loop. When the level of testosterone is very high, the brain sends signals to the pituitary to lower the production of testosterone.

The Relationship Between Testosterone and Prostate Health

Early research showed that when there is a drop in the production of men’s testosterone, their prostate cancer stops growing. The research also showed that giving testosterone to men with prostate cancer caused their cancer to grow. Therefore, the researcher concluded that testosterone encourages cancer growth. Therefore, as more evidence, the main treatment for prostate cancer, which is hormone therapy, reduces cancer growth by decreasing the testosterone levels in the body.

This belief that testosterone furthers prostate cancer growth resulted in many doctors avoiding prescribing testosterone therapy for men with a prostate cancer history. 

However, in the last few years, various research has questioned the link between prostate cancer and testosterone.

Certain studies have shown contradiction, showing a higher risk of prostate cancer in men with low testosterone levels. In 2016, research showed that there is no relationship between the risk of developing prostate cancer and a man’s level of testosterone. In another review study, the research found out that testosterone therapy doesn’t make prostate cancer more severe or enhance the risk in men already diagnosed.

In a 2015 study, researchers also found that testosterone doesn’t enhance prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. This research offered a solution for people who often ask, ‘Does taking testosterone affect PSA levels.’ PSA is a protein that is usually increased in the bloodstream of men who have prostate cancer. 

The question of whether testosterone therapy is safe for those with prostate cancer is still ongoing. Researchers are still conducting more studies to properly understand this connection. However, current evidence recommends that testosterone therapy might be safe for men who have low testosterone and have concluded prostate cancer treatment and have a low recurrence risk. 

The Impact of Testosterone Levels on Prostate Health

At times, low testosterone isn’t a bad thing. A common example is the case of prostate cancer. Have you ever wondered what is the role of the prostate gland in testosterone? Testosterone is capable of stimulating the prostate gland and prostate cancer to grow. This is why medications that reduce testosterone levels are routine treatment for men having prostate cancer. Men who take testosterone replacements have to be monitored for prostate cancer.

A 2023 study also confirmed previous research that shows TRT in men with low testosterone levels doesn’t increase the risk of prostate cancer when compared to men who don’t use TRT. Many individuals ask, ‘Can low testosterone cause prostatitis?’ Low testosterone levels can affect prostate function, leading to sexual dysfunction or other health issues. Generally, this is called Andropause.

On the other hand, too much natural testosterone isn’t a common problem in men. This comes as a surprise considering what many individuals considered common signs of testosterone excesses, such as road rage and sexual promiscuity. This might partly be due to the issues with correctly defining normal behavior and normal testosterone levels.

Testosterone blood levels usually vary with time and even during the day. Additionally, sometimes, what is seen as testosterone excess symptoms might be totally unrelated. What most individuals know about high testosterone in men usually comes from athletes using testosterone or related hormones or anabolic steroids for increasing athletic performance and muscle mass.

The Risks of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Several studies have shown that there isn’t evidence to show the link between prostate cancer and TRT. However, TRT does have some risks. For example, some men usually experience instantaneous side effects such as acne, ankle swelling, breast tenderness, or severe breathing disturbances during sleep. Physicians also observe their testosterone patients for an increased red blood cell count, which enhances the risk of blood clots.

Long-term TRT is also associated with an enhanced risk of cardiovascular issues like strokes and heart attacks in older men. However, in men with low blood testosterone levels, the benefits of HRT outweigh the potential risks. However, it is always best to consult with experts who can offer individuals personalized advice after considering the benefits and risks.


Many men who opt for testosterone replacement therapy often question if this treatment can increase the risk of developing cancer. Especially since prostate cancer is quite common, many men often wonder if there is a link between prostate cancer and testosterone replacement therapy.

In recent studies, testosterone treatment does not increase men’s risk of developing prostate cancer, as new research shows that testosterone levels might even reduce the risk of prostate cancer. However, it is crucial to speak with your healthcare provider before making a decision. If you intend to learn more about testosterone levels and prostate cancer, this website has every answer you may need. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the effect of high testosterone?

According to experts, testosterone does not result in prostate cancer. However, it can further its growth when it appears. Therefore, lowering the levels of testosterone might help reduce the risk of prostate cancer progressing or retiring. They further suggest that there might be a link between testosterone replacement therapy and prostate cancer development.

2. What is the result of a high level of testosterone in men?

High testosterone in men is called hyperandrogenism. There are fewer noticeable signs in adults. But, there could be a risk of complications like an enlarged prostate gland, jaundice, and liver tumor. 

3. What is the normal level of testosterone in adult males?

According to the American Urological Association, the normal range is 450-600 ng/dL. When below 300 ng/dl, doctors might diagnose deficiency and prescribe testosterone replacement therapy. The levels usually vary based on age group and fluctuate throughout the day. More accurate readings can be obtained early in the morning.
