Lifestyle Benefits

Why do People Fake Orgasms

Why Do Some People Fake Orgasms?

Listen up, folks! Let’s talk about something everyone thinks about, but nobody wants to discuss – fake orgasms. Yep, we’re going there! Turns out, there’s a whole lot of theatrical performances happening in bedrooms across the globe, and we’re not talking about amateur Shakespeare readings.

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What are the benefits of regular sex

What Are The Benefits of Regular Sex?

We all know that having sex is enjoyable, but did you know that it’s about the same as taking a multivitamin, going to the gym, and visiting a therapist all at once? Well, maybe not precisely, but listen to me: your favorite pastime in bed is actually a health-hidden weapon.

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Can You Last Longer In Bed

How Can You Last Longer in Bed?

Imagine getting ready for sex after preparation. Then, you ejaculate before your partner gets to have bliss. This experience can be very discordant, frustrating, and upsetting, especially after finding out you cannot resist the urge after many attempts. Romping should be fun but not embarrassing.

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Can You Have Too Much Sex

Is There Such a Thing as ‘Too Much’ Sex?

Is it wrong to have sex every day? Well, consider this. The amount of sex that is too much differs based on the person. Your desire and sexual health are important factors. There are people who have sex every day and don’t have any side effects.

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How Often Should Couples Have Sex For a Healthy Relationship

How Often Should Couples Have Sex For a Healthy Relationship?

In most of your favorite TV shows, you will find a particular recurring pattern. Every couple has a happily ever after. Even social media is not left out. You find pictures of happy couples everywhere, leaving you wondering if your relationship is normal, especially as it relates to intimacy and sex.

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